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Online Education Platform and Its Features


Online Education Platform and Its Features

Online training is a system where learning and teaching activities are applied regardless of the location. Especially nowadays, online trainings provide a great advantage. The biggest advantage is that it provides the opportunity to learn at their own pace and at their own pace.

  Online Education Platform

  Although online learning and online training are used interchangeably, online learning refers to the learner. Technologically, with the development of tools and equipment, the development of online training has gained great speed.

  Nowadays, interest in online education has started to increase considerably. In particular, the online education platform provides services to many large audiences as it eliminates the negative effects of physical conditions. For this reason, most of the trainings are done online today.

  Online Education Platform Features

  There are many specific features of online education, which is frequently preferred in today's age. These features are:

  - Online education is a student-centered system. With this education, students have the opportunity to receive education at their own pace.

 Online education is very economical. Transportation. It is very economical as it is free from many dimensions such as physical facilities, food and shelter.

 - Learners can participate in simultaneous trainings when they can choose according to their programs and in the direction they want.

 Online training supports learning over time. There is no age limit for online trainings, which are independent of time and place.

  How are the courses taught in the Online Education Platform?

  Online trainings can be processed in 3 different methods according to the model determined by the institution. One of them is simultaneous lessons. Simultaneous lessons applied in online education are a model where the teaching and learning group in the virtual classroom is present at the same time and the learning activity is performed here.

  Another method is the asynchronous model. In the asynchronous education model, teaching materials such as textbooks, video and audio files are presented to students. Here, students carry out learning activities at their own pace whenever they want. The latest model applied in online training is the mixed model. The mixed model is also a method that is applied within the same training programs as synchronous or asynchronous.

  What are the Advantages of the Online Training Platform?

  The advantages of online education for individuals are as follows:

  - Provides educational advantage to physically disabled individuals.

 - Provides equal opportunity in education.

 - Provides lifelong learning opportunity for people.

 - Provides access to large masses.

 - It eliminates geographical barriers, especially since it is independent of time and space.

 - It is the most economical one among the trainings.

 - Provides unlimited access to all materials in the teaching environment.

 - While providing unlimited use of course materials, it provides the opportunity to teach with rich and interactive tools.

 - Provides a dynamic and interactive learning process with the instructors.

 - It eliminates the expenses of accommodation, transportation and nutrition in the other education system. Therefore, it makes a great contribution economically.







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